John Yamamoto
President & CEO
CEO’s experience in the video game industry:
- DIGITAL Hearts Linguitronics Taiwan CEO (Concurrent post) 2020 ~ Current
- DIGITAL Hearts Shanghai (China) CEO (Concurrent post) 2017 ~ Current
- DIGITAL Hearts Co., Ltd.(Japan)CEO 2015〜2017
- DIGITAL Hearts USA Inc. CEO & President (Concurrent post) 2011 ~ Current
- Square Enix., Inc. (USA) CEO& President 2007 to 2010
- Square Enix Ltd. (Europe) 2004 to 2009 CEO& President
- SQUARE Enix Holdings (Tokyo stock Exchange 9684) Senior Executive Officer
- Altus USA (Software)., Inc. CEO& President, Altus Co., Ltd. Tokyo Member of Board) 1991 to 2004
We consider game content very important; developers devote a lot of energy in order to deliver content intended to make users happy. DIGITAL Hearts USA’s mission is to laterally backup developers in delivering high quality game content—free of bugs—to users in a timely manner.
We strive to provide you the best service so that you can deliver not only bug-free games and digital content but also happiness and joy. We succeed when you succeed, and you succeed when users are satisfied.
DIGITAL Hearts Co., Ltd., Japan was founded in 2001 as a professional group to market “finished products as the producers intended.” This is ensured through DIGITAL Hearts USA and our group companies situated around the world. As well as quality assurance, we seek to expand our business by entering related, yet diverse business fields.
The name DIGITAL Hearts derives from the phrase “heart to heart.” Despite our society becoming ever more overrun with technology, we attach great importance to “heartfelt feelings”—namely, customer satisfaction and the ability to form both fruitful and lasting relationships with our clients. DIGITAL Hearts is here to help its clients to take those “feelings” and pass them onto end users.